Reimagining Travel and Tourism Programs in Senior Living

Experiencing life beyond the community walls is a goal and common statement we aspire to do in the world of engagement programming in senior living. Despite best intentions, there are barriers that prevent this from occurring as frequently as desired. Additionally, transportation logistics and mobility challenges prevent many residents from actually getting off site, even if curated and organized leveraging community resources. 

A Variety of Approaches

The Traditional Offering - Armchair Travel  

Years ago we, in senior living ,embarked on an adventure coined “armchair travel.” This was a valiant attempt to take people beyond the walls and experience travel and tourism similar to what they did in a former life or wished they had done. This was a start 15+ years ago and an activity we still see as commonplace. At its inception, that was all we knew and it worked. But fast forward. How have innovation, the internet and video afforded us to explore the world abroad and travel more efficiently? A lot. But we cannot keep the same approach with improved resources and planning tools. We must also innovate and realize that an auditory explanation with visual prompts of exploration are not enough. Quite simply, we have outgrown this offering and approach.  

The Heavy Lift - Themed Events & Transformative Spaces

We are great at transforming spaces and rooms to recreate a place of grandeur and interest beyond the customary day to day setting. This is a noble and lofty approach, but that is also why there is an entire industry around event planning and decorative enhancements. It is absolutely an art and a craft that takes a fair amount of time. The first hurdle we can conquer is realizing the amount of time needed to do such is at the expense of staff interacting with residents. There is absolutely a level of sacrifice that you accept if your engagement professional doubles as a party planner and decorator extraordinaire  

Lavish events that transport people to a different place and time are worthwhile, effective and highly sought after, but it cannot be the norm. If you have hired an amazing party planner, I would venture to say we are missing the reason for engagement and enrichment (to actually experience/learn about the place, not just throw a party and try foods from the region) in senior living.  There has to be more than a good party and having fun because that is not sustainable, nor top of mind for most people. (we want senior to be growing with the world, feeling relevant and having stories to share with their family and friends and a “themed party” won’t do that) 

Paid Vendors Sharing their Experiences

Relying on seasoned travel aficionados or experts to educate residents on all the places in the world is one way to extend life and experience beyond the walls. But I would challenge people of all ages, when was the last time we invited someone into our home to share with us stories and relics of the places they have been. In all honesty, I feel like this is something that emulates a museum.  Thankfully touring and learning about the world in 2023 does not have to look like an artifacts display or one-sided lecture. We have so many tools, resources and virtual opportunities to explore places both near and far.

Resident and Staff Story Exchange

There are many stories and experiences we can tap into leveraging internal resources. But the time needed to curate these structured offerings is usually a bit more involved than we imagine. Instead, these conversations and shared experiences happen organically in the daily environment. Not all people are comfortable sharing their personal experiences and learnings in a group format. Being a tour guide is a craft and passion. Again, when was the last time you went somewhere, experienced something amazing and decided to host a session to tell others about your encounters complete with relics, maps, history and questions to facilitate conversation?

When we create a community of exploration, these stories and experiences will be shared more freely, fueling connection, reminiscence and future travel goals. 

TV Based Programs 

This is a start and the TV can open the world up to many people. Many of us watch TV programs that are centered around travel, but “watching” is the operative word we must move beyond. Watching is one dimensional and it is not interactive. It is one person’s story and experience coming over in their words. When we view things on TV we are on the sidelines, taking in the information. Additionally, we typically do this alone in our respective places of home. 

YouTube Tourism 

YouTube goes one step further and provides opportunities to see a million more places from a million different perspectives. It is a starting point. But YouTube can become stale and generic. It can start off great, but we may easily get bored or lack connection with the person telling their story because they are just another person we do not know,(this is another passive viewing experience only) sharing their personal experiences. YouTube programming gives zero control to the audience, unless we press pause and discuss with others what is being shown. 

A Centuries Old Innovative Approach 

How can we transcend beyond traditional travel programming in a group setting? How do we get to a place where we “feel” like we are there even if sitting in front of a screen? 

I did not think it was possible, but I stand corrected. How do I know this? 

I Experienced it First Hand

My mom and I transported ourselves to Krakow, Poland. Exactly. A place few have heard of. Not one of the top 10 travel destinations in the world. Not something you would pick from in a list of options. But it was magical. We were there with a kind, informative and engaging guide who knew the city like the back of her hand. 

It was mid January at dusk. Snow was falling, holiday decorations lined the streets. 700 year old churches illuminated the dark space. Locals walking the streets and diners found their way into quaint bistros. 

There is something beyond what words can describe when you are transplanted into a city where spontaneity and everything unplanned and unpredictable can happen. You watch it differently, you inch up closer to the screen. You learn facts and tidbits you had no idea would be of interest. You gaze in awe. You get to ask questions about anything you want. You talk! That was the difference. Whatever you or a group wants to learn about determines how the tour can go. You are in control even though you are literally thousands of miles away.

But it does not end there. There is a carryover effect. There are ongoing conversations. There are thoughts about other places you want to see and learn. There is immediate research looking online at maps, locations, history, facts, culture, you name it. I did not physically go to Poland, but I feel like I have been there, on the streets, immersed in their beautiful culture and architecture.

Discover Live is a Hidden Secret That Needs to be Experienced. 

If we want to explore places and open up the world to residents, staff and families in senior living this is by far the best option and programming I have ever experienced. Not only is it engaging, but also interactive. Discover Live first introduced this new way of world exploration to assisted living and long-term care communities 6 years ago, and has been the best at delivering this form of travel experience ever since. This is “live” travel.  You are there, getting all the benefits of world exploration; wonder, awe, continued curiosity, and yes, relevance.  These are stories to share with your family and friends, long after the trip has ended.  


Understanding Two Sides to Every Pilot Project


Community Experience Market Map - Jan. 2023